Questions tagged [azure-load-balancer]

Use this tag for questions regarding the Azure Load Balancer. Azure Load Balancer distributes incoming, internal, and outgoing internet traffic.

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16 votes
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How Azure load balances scaled out App Service plan?

I have one Azure App Service in which I have created 5 instances using App Service Plan Scale Out option. Now I am not sure how does Azure load balances requests between this instances? I am not ...
Rushi Soni's user avatar
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11 votes
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Assign Static Public Address to Azure Container Instance deployment

Context Working on a project to deploy a restful API application and seperate TCP service to an Azure Container Instance. The TCP service requires a static Ipv4 address due to legacy reasons. ...
scott_lotus's user avatar
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Azure App Service load balancing settings

ARM template for Azure App Service has setting to configure load balancing algorithm - loadBalancing. According to documentation it's available through SiteConfig object and can have following values: ...
samfromlv's user avatar
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7 votes
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Continuous Delivery with Azure Load Balancer

We have two VMs behind a Load Balancer. We would like to make one of the VMs publicly inaccessible when we do a new deployment, so we can test the new version of the application before it becomes ...
WinBoss's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

why do we need consistent hashing when round robin can distribute the traffic evenly

When the load balancer can use round robin algorithm to distribute the incoming request evenly to the nodes why do we need to use the consistent hashing to distribute the load? What are the best ...
user3718420's user avatar
6 votes
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How to get client IP address from inside a Azure Kubernetes with a LoadBalancer service

I'm getting the node IP address instead of the client IP. Is it possible to get the client IP with a service of type LoadBalancer? Or will I need to use a ingress controller? apiVersion: v1 kind: ...
lmcarreiro's user avatar
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should I choose azure application gateway or load balancer or front door or traffic manager?

I have a SaaS web app developed with Angular 8 and Core Web API. I have deployed web api to a azure web app and deployed angular front-end web app to another azure web app as well. The users ...
Edison's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why is Azure App Services is not evenly distributing traffic across instances?

Our issue is that Azure App Service (S3 x 5 Instances) is not evenly distributing requests across the 5 instances. The result is that one instance is getting swamped with requests and our overall P50 &...
Eoin Campbell's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to do file versioning with CDN and a loadbalancer?

So I'm using a very simple CDN service. You point to your website and if you call it through their HostName they'll cache it for you after the first call. I use this for all my static content, like ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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5 votes
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Getting client original ip address with azure aks

I'm currently working on copying AWS EKS cluster to Azure AKS. In our EKS we use external Nginx with proxy protocol to identify the client real IP and check if it is whitelisted in our Nginx. In AWS ...
Swarrly's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to expose multiple kubernetes services trough single azure load balancer?

I want to expose multiple services trough single load balancer. Each service points to exactly one pod. So far I tried to: kubectl expose <podName> --port=7000 And in Azure portal to ...
Łukasz Baran's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to move a hostname between two Azure Front Door resources without downtime?

TL;DR: Can I move hostnames between Azure Front Door resources within the same subscription without an outage? Context I have four Frontdoor resources - each with a set of hostnames. My organisation ...
Oscar Hermoso's user avatar
4 votes
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How to make Azure not delete Public IP when deleting service / ingress-controller?

I have an nginx-ingress controller with the following config (in helm release): controller: service: loadBalancerIP: "<my-public-ip>" Public IP was created manually by myself. ...
Ilya Chernomordik's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does Azure Load Balancer not work for machines not in an availability set?

I created 2 VMs in the same availability set, and added them to a basic load balancer, and that worked fine. Then I tried to do the same thing, the only two differences being that the VMs were not in ...
360man's user avatar
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Slow load balancing through Azure Cloud Service

In Azure, I have two Ubuntu VMs running the same python bottle services under one Cloud Service. The two VMs are set to be in the same Load-Balanced Set and are load-balanced in a Round-Robin fashion ...
Jerry Chou's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't access kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer on AKS

I'm creating a plain vanilla AKS cluster with an ACR container registry and deploying a dummy service, something I've done a number of times before and should work but it's not - the service deploys ...
Vroomfundel's user avatar
3 votes
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How to assign only one static public IP to AKS-multiAZ Loadbalancer

I'm setting up a multi-AZ AKS cluster, I would like to assign a static public IP that I created to this loadbalancer. Here is what I have : #### Creating a Public static IP #### resource "...
Matrix's user avatar
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Load balancing Azure Blob Storage

Is there any way to load balance the Azure Blob Storage by just using Azure Load Balancer and the Blob Storage (without needing a service)? What I'm trying to achieve is to hit a load-balancer url ...
Mavi Domates's user avatar
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Azure Load Balancing Solutions. Direct Traffic to Specific VMs

We are having difficulties choosing a load balancing solution (Load Balancer, Application Gateway, Traffic Manager, Front Door) for IIS websites on Azure VMs. The simple use case when there are 2 ...
WinBoss's user avatar
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Why is azure load balancer still sending traffic to nodes after health probe down?

I have 2 Azure VM sitting behind a Standard Azure Load Balancer. The load balancer has a healthprobe pinging every 5 seconds with HTTP on /health for each VM. Interval is set to 5, port is set to 80 ...
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Getting blank page when exposing ReactJS app using Ingress-controller

apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: hello-world-ingress annotations: nginx /$2 nginx....
harish hari's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Load Balancer - Updated interval value for health probes ignored

The (public facing) Azure Load Balancer that I've setup through the Azure portal using default values points to a pool of 3 Virtual Machines. On each of these VMs, a tiny node.js server is running, ...
Delapouite's user avatar
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Load balancer scaling

I am quite new to the load balancing scenarios expecially in cloud. We are using load balancers to avoid load to a particular server and to avoid single point of failure . But then how does the load ...
Nevin Thomas's user avatar
3 votes
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is there any way to see the access logs for azure load balancer

I have a standard load balancer in azure, and some clients complain that they receive 503 error status code. They are accessing the load balancer service behind their local proxy server. I suspect ...
catalin's user avatar
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Azure kubernetes - Istio controller with Internal load balancer

I have an Azure kubernetes cluster with Istio service mesh. Currently the Istio controller is associated with a public load balancer IP. I want to configure the Istio with with Internal load balancer. ...
One Developer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to disable port probes for AKS LoadBalancer?

I'm trying to deploy an ftp server image in Azure AKS. To expose the server to public, I've added a service of type LoadBalancer. apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: test-import-ftp ...
Christoph Lütjen's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure front door probe ips for whitelisting in WebApp

We are designing a multi-location deployment within Azure that requires users to be sent to their closest origin. At the moment we are using a traffic manager however that is causing us some issues ...
boro2g's user avatar
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Azure Load Balancer - cannot reach port unless it is open in Network Security Group

Load Balancer is configured to redirect TCP requests on the front port 80 to backend port 8080. That worked fine till I removed "Allow-Port-8080" rule from the Network Security Groups ...
ValeryC's user avatar
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Why is Azure Load Balancer created by AKS set up to direct traffic to port 80 and 443 on nodes rather than nodeports opened by a service?

I have an AKS cluster with an nginx ingress controller. Controller has created a service with a type LoadBalancer and Ports section looks like this (from kubectl get service): 80:31141/TCP If I ...
Ilya Chernomordik's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add a backend with virtual machine IP for Azure Load Balancer in Terraform

I am creating an Azure load balancer that I need to route the incoming traffic to backend pool which consist of a virtual machine. I am using Terraform to do this. So far, I have created the ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Azure AKS Loadbalancer serving multiple pods using service on same IP

I currently have a load balancer per pod. In my instance 2 pods with the following YAML definitions. apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: service1 spec: ports: - name: https-service1 ...
JTM's user avatar
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2 votes
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Limitations of Availability Zone in Azure

I have many resources (App Services, SRV, VMs, Storage, LB, analytics, etc) in Azure and I'm looking to have them in availability zone. But I'm considering limitations. So far, I have discovered ...
Johnbosco's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure Load Balancing with sticky session

I have web API service which I planned to host in Azure environment probably in VM. My application is using sticky session and I have to enable the Load Balancer in Azure. Can you please suggest ...
Abdul Azeez's user avatar
2 votes
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Assign a Static Public IP to Istio ingress-gateway Loadbalancer service

As you know by installing Istio, it creates a kubernetes loadbalancer with a publicIP and use the public IP as External IP of istio-ingress-gateway LoadBalancer service. As the IP is not Static, I ...
Matrix's user avatar
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How to change istio ingress loadbalancer external IP

I want to change my istio ingress loadbalancer IP but when i try updating the yaml file it is not getting updated NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP istio-...
pappu_kutty's user avatar
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Azure Frontdoor: Requests go to invididual backends, why?

I have set up an Azure Frontdoor Load Balancer with 2 backends, hosting an Angular app. When looking at the network traffic in the browser's developer tools, I see that only the first few requests for ...
Urs Meili's user avatar
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azure application gateway behind azure front door multiple websites domains ssl

Infrastructure]1 Info picture - all servers should have the same configurations and websites and ports. The goal is that on all virtual servers in VMSS are running the different websites ( ...
learnazure's user avatar
2 votes
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can we use azure load balancer on a multiple Azure openai services in azure

I have resource group in azure. I have created 3 Azure openai service but I am wondering if it is possible to place a load balancer on these 3 app services to balance the load between them, Is it ...
Sanjeev Gautam's user avatar
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Azure App Service Plan, incorrect load balancing when scaling in or out

My Azure App Service Plan is behaving strangely when scaling in and out. The unconfigurable load balancer that I get with my plan seems to be redirecting traffic in an incorrect way. My plan hosts ...
Alzorz's user avatar
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Azure Load balancer( L4) will support SNI?

Currently i set up the pulsar in azure vm using this link Now i would like to set up the SNI to the pulsar cluster is there any way to do this ? ...
Bala Krishna's user avatar
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create an internal mixed protocol loadbalancer in Azure AKS

I'm trying to create an internal mixed protocol loadbalancer in Azure AKS (tried 1.15.5, 1.15.7 and 1.16.4) using this yaml: --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: service.beta....
JMan's user avatar
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Azure Function response times out, and tcp connection is reset (closed) before all content is received

We have an embedded device, which connects to an Azure Function and gets a 10MB file. During the file transfer the connection is reset (TCP RST) or we see, that Azure is no longer sending data to the ...
Martin Jørgensen's user avatar
2 votes
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Health/readiness probes for Azure App Services

I have app service with several scaled out-rules predefined, when load balancer routing my request I want to be able to configure health/readiness probes for my application (not the server itself), is ...
Jevgenij Nekrasov's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure External Load Balancer and Kubernetes cluster

I have to create a Kubernetes cluster in MS Azure manually, not using AKS. So: I've created 2 VM's in one Availability set: one for k8s master and second for k8s node. I've created External Load ...
Uliana Andreeva's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get round-robin load blancer on Azure Container Services (AKS)

From everything I've read, my LoadBalancer service should be random. The sessionAffinity is None and I assume it's using the default iptables random algorithm. Despite this, I've noticed that the ...
Novaterata's user avatar
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Azure Load Balancer Log Analytics

I have an Azure Load Balancer, I have gone into the Load Balancer resource, Diagnostics logs and ticked 'Send to Log Analytics' and set to my Azure Log Analytics OMS Workspace. But when I go into the ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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How to assign public IP address from old cluster to new cluster

I just created a new AKS cluster that has to replace an old cluster. The new cluster is now ready to replace the old one, except for one crucial thing, it's outbound ip address. The address of the old ...
Patrick Koorevaar's user avatar
1 vote
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Kubernetes: External-IP is pending for some services(LoadBalancer) on AKS

I have a k8s template for deploying pods and services. I am using this template to deploy different services based on some parameters(different names, labels) on AKS. Some service gets their External-...
Nitish Bhardwaj's user avatar
1 vote
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How to redirect traffic hosted on an azure endpoint (DNS/static IP) to different external IP address

Question: How do I host an endpoint in azure which allows me to redirect internet traffic at will between azure and aws services? I am hosting two kubernetes clusters - one in Azure and the other in ...
Banoona's user avatar
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Azure external Load balancer with AKS cluster

I have created an Azure AKS cluster using Terraform, which automatically sets up a public IP and an external load balancer. Additionally, I have installed an nginx ingress that creates an internal ...
Auto geek's user avatar
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