Questions tagged [databricks]

Databricks is a unified platform with tools for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data and AI solutions at scale. The Databricks Lakehouse Platform integrates with cloud storage and security in your cloud account, and manages and deploys cloud infrastructure on your behalf. Databricks is available on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Use this tag for questions related to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.

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35 votes
3 answers

Exploding nested Struct in Spark dataframe

I'm working through a Databricks example. The schema for the dataframe looks like: > parquetDF.printSchema root |-- department: struct (nullable = true) | |-- id: string (nullable = true) | |-...
Feynman27's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

How to delete all files from folder with Databricks dbutils

Can someone let me know how to use the databricks dbutils to delete all files from a folder. I have tried the following but unfortunately, Databricks doesn't support wildcards. dbutils.fs.rm('adl://...
Carltonp's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

Databricks: Download a dbfs:/FileStore File to my Local Machine?

I am using saveAsTextFile() to store the results of a Spark job in the folder dbfs:/FileStore/my_result. I can access to the different "part-xxxxx" files using the web browser, but I would like to ...
Nacho Castiñeiras's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

Databricks drop a delta table?

How can I drop a Delta Table in Databricks? I can't find any information in the docs... maybe the only solution is to delete the files inside the folder 'delta' with the magic command or dbutils: %fs ...
Joanteixi's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

How to list all the mount points in Azure Databricks?

I tried with this %fs ls dbfs:/mnt, but i want to know do this give me all the mount point?
Shahid Ahmed's user avatar
27 votes
6 answers

Databricks: Issue while creating spark data frame from pandas

I have a pandas data frame which I want to convert into spark data frame. Usually, I use the below code to create spark data frame from pandas but all of sudden I started to get the below error, I am ...
data en's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Databricks: How do I get path of current notebook?

Databricks is smart and all, but how do you identify the path of your current notebook? The guide on the website does not help. It suggests: %scala dbutils.notebook.getContext.notebookPath res1: ...
Esben Eickhardt's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How to handle an AnalysisException on Spark SQL?

I am trying to execute a list of queries in Spark, but if the query does not run correctly, Spark throws me the following error: AnalysisException: "ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for ...
Kevin Gomez's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Azure Databricks - Can not create the managed table The associated location already exists

I have the following problem in Azure Databricks. Sometimes when I try to save a DataFrame as a managed table: SomeData_df.write.mode('overwrite').saveAsTable("SomeData") I get the following error: ...
BuahahaXD's user avatar
  • 619
25 votes
4 answers

How to detect Databricks environment programmatically

I'm writing a spark job that needs to be runnable locally as well as on Databricks. The code has to be slightly different in each environment (file paths) so I'm trying to find a way to detect if the ...
steven35's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

How to load databricks package dbutils in pyspark

I was trying to run the below code in pyspark. dbutils.widgets.text('config', '', 'config') It was throwing me an error saying Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, ...
Babu's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

How to drop a column from a Databricks Delta table?

I have recently started discovering Databricks and faced a situation where I need to drop a certain column of a delta table. When I worked with PostgreSQL it was as easy as ALTER TABLE main....
samba's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

NameError: name 'dbutils' is not defined in pyspark

I am running a pyspark job in databricks cloud. I need to write some of the csv files to databricks filesystem (dbfs) as part of this job and also i need to use some of the dbutils native commands ...
Krishna Reddy's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Apache Spark + Delta Lake concepts

I have many doubts related to Spark + Delta. 1) Databricks propose 3 layers (bronze, silver, gold), but in which layer is recommendable to use for Machine Learning and why? I suppose they propose to ...
Eric Gabriel Bellet Locker's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Databricks - How to change a partition of an existing Delta table?

I have a table in Databricks delta which is partitioned by transaction_date. I want to change the partition column to view_date. I tried to drop the table and then create it with a new partition ...
samba's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Local instance of Databricks for development

I am currently working on a small team that is developing a Databricks based solution. For now we are small enough to work off of cloud instances of Databricks. As the group grows this will not ...
John's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

lstm will not use cuDNN kernels since it doesn't meet the criteria. It will use a generic GPU kernel as fallback when running on GPU

I am running the following code for LSTM on Databricks with GPU model = Sequential() model.add(LSTM(64, activation=LeakyReLU(alpha=0.05), batch_input_shape=(1, timesteps, n_features), stateful=...
Muhammad Haris Choudhary's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

How to slice a pyspark dataframe in two row-wise

I am working in Databricks. I have a dataframe which contains 500 rows, I would like to create two dataframes on containing 100 rows and the other containing the remaining 400 rows. +----------------...
Data_101's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How to move files of same extension in databricks files system?

I am facing file not found exception when i am trying to move the file with * in DBFS. Here both source and destination directories are in DBFS. I have the source file named "test_sample.csv" ...
Krishna Reddy's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How to find size (in MB) of dataframe in pyspark?

How to find size (in MB) of dataframe in pyspark ,"/Filestore/tables/test.json") I want to find how the size of df or test.json
Aravindh's user avatar
  • 191
19 votes
1 answer

Databricks SQL - How to get all the rows (more than 1000) in the first run?

Currently, in Databricks if we run the query, it always returns 1000 rows in the first run. If we need all the rows, we need to execute the query again. In the situations where we know that we need to ...
MrKrizzer's user avatar
  • 409
19 votes
1 answer

PySpark and Protobuf Deserialization UDF Problem

I'm getting this error Can't pickle <class 'google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage'>: it's not found as google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage when I try to create a UDF in PySpark. ...
Marc Vitalis's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to export data from a dataframe to a file databricks

I'm doing right now Introduction to Spark course at EdX. Is there a possibility to save dataframes from Databricks on my computer. I'm asking this question, because this course provides Databricks ...
Tom Becker's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What does "Determining location of DBIO file fragments..." mean, and how do I speed it up?

When running simple SQL commands in Databricks, sometimes I get the message: Determining location of DBIO file fragments. This operation can take some time. What does this mean, and how do I ...
David Maddox's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Printing secret value in Databricks

Even though secrets are for masking confidential information, I need to see the value of the secret for using it outside Databricks. When I simply print the secret it shows [REDACTED]. print(dbutils....
aykcandem's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Read/Write single file in DataBricks

I have a file which contains a list of names stored in a simple text file. Each row contains one name. Now I need to pro grammatically append a new name to this file based on a users input. For the ...
Gerhard Brueckl's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How to set environment variable in databricks?

Simple question, but I can't find a simple guide on how to set the environment variable in Databricks. Also, is it important to set the environment variable on both the driver and executors (and would ...
information_interchange's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

How to read xlsx or xls files as spark dataframe

Can anyone let me know without converting xlsx or xls files how can we read them as a spark dataframe I have already tried to read with pandas and then tried to convert to spark dataframe but got ...
Ravi Kiran's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How to rename a column in Databricks

How do you rename a column in Databricks? The following does not work: ALTER TABLE mySchema.myTable change COLUMN old_name new_name int It returns the error: ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not ...
David Maddox's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

list the files of a directory and subdirectory recursively in Databricks(DBFS)

Using python/dbutils, how to display the files of the current directory & subdirectory recursively in Databricks file system(DBFS).
Kiran A's user avatar
  • 219
16 votes
1 answer

Use of lit() in expr()

The line: df.withColumn("test", expr("concat(lon, lat)")) works as expected but df.withColumn("test", expr("concat(lon, lit(','), lat)")) produces the following exception: org.apache.spark.sql....
Kyunam's user avatar
  • 189
16 votes
1 answer

Spark: Read an inputStream instead of File

I'm using SparkSQL in a Java application to do some processing on CSV files using Databricks for parsing. The data I am processing comes from different sources (Remote URL, local file, Google Cloud ...
Nate Vaughan's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Databricks Community Edition Cluster won't start

I am trying to start a cluster that was terminated in a Community Edition. However, whenever I click on 'start' the cluster won't start. It would appear I have to create a new cluster everytime I want ...
Patterson's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Ways to Plot Spark Dataframe without Converting it to Pandas

Is there any way to plot information from Spark dataframe without converting the dataframe to pandas? Did some online research but can't seem to find a way. I need to automatically save these plots ...
KikiNeko's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to write pandas dataframe into Databricks dbfs/FileStore?

I'm new to the Databricks, need help in writing a pandas dataframe into databricks local file system. I did search in google but could not find any case similar to this, also tried the help guid ...
Shaan Proms's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Error running Spark on Databricks: constructor public XXX is not whitelisted

I was using Azure Databricks and trying to run some example python code from this page. But I get this exception: Constructor public
lidong's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to solve this error org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException

I have two procesess each process do 1) connect oracle db read a specific table 2) form dataframe and process it. 3) save the df to cassandra. If I am running both process parallelly , both try to ...
BdEngineer's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Switching between Databricks Connect and local Spark environment

I am looking to use Databricks Connect for developing a pyspark pipeline. DBConnect is really awesome because I am able to run my code on the cluster where the actual data resides, so it's perfect for ...
casparjespersen's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to create a empty folder in Azure Blob from Azure databricks

I have scenario where I want to list all the folders inside a directory in Azure Blob. If no folders present create a new folder with certain name. I am trying to list the folders using
Saikat's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Databricks - is not empty but it's not a Delta table

I run a query on Databricks: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dublicates_hotels; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dublicates_hotels ... I'm trying to understand why I receive the following error: Error in SQL ...
QbS's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

reading data from URL using spark databricks platform

trying to read data from url using spark on databricks community edition platform i tried to use and using SparkFiles but still, i am missing some simple point url = "https://raw....
arya's user avatar
  • 436
14 votes
4 answers

How to login SSH on Azure Databricks cluster

I used the following ubuntu command to access SSH login as, ssh user@hostname_or_IP Can able to see Master node hostname but not able to get the username from Azure Databricks cluster Refer this ...
veilupearl's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How to properly access dbutils in Scala when using Databricks Connect

I'm using Databricks Connect to run code in my Azure Databricks cluster locally from IntelliJ IDEA (Scala). Everything works fine. I can connect, debug, inspect locally in the IDE. I created a ...
empz's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Adding constant value column to spark dataframe

I am using Spark version 2.1 in Databricks. I have a data frame named wamp to which I want to add a column named region which should take the constant value NE. However, I get an error saying ...
Gaurav Bansal's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

ArrowTypeError: Did not pass numpy.dtype object', 'Conversion failed for column X with type int32

Problem I am trying to save a data frame as a parquet file on Databricks, getting the ArrowTypeError. Databricks Runtime Version: 7.6 ML (includes Apache Spark 3.0.1, Scala 2.12) Log Trace ...
Naga Budigam's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to add a new column to a Delta Lake table?

I'm trying to add a new column to data stored as a Delta Table in Azure Blob Storage. Most of the actions being done on the data are upserts, with many updates and few new inserts. My code to write ...
Comrade_Question's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Python Version in Azure Databricks

I am trying to find out the python version I am using in Databricks. To find out I tried import sys print(sys.version) And I got the output as 3.7.3 However when I went to Cluster --> SparkUI --> ...
learner's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Delta Lake rollback

Need an elegant way to rollback Delta Lake to a previous version. My current approach is listed below: import val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, testFolder)
Fang Zhang's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

List databricks secret scope and find referred keyvault in azure databricks

How can we find existing secret scopes in databricks workspace. And which keyvault is referred by specific SecretScope in Azure Databricks?
tikiabbas's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How can I convert a pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame back to a sql table in databricks notebook

I created a dataframe of type pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame by executing the following line: dataframe = sqlContext.sql("select * from my_data_table") How can I convert this back to a sparksql ...
Semihcan Doken's user avatar

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