Questions tagged [iotdb]

Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things)

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How to debug in github CI?

It's very weired that my code passes all UT/IT in my laptop, but it encounters errors in github CI. Would you mind helping to take up some methods to debug in github CI? Or to make code runs in local ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How do I connect to Apache IoTDB Standalone Version 1.0 from a different computer?

I deployed IoTDB on a server and start it in standalone mode, then connect my laptop to IoTDB on the server, but I cannot connect to IoTDB. The error reported that the server port is not open. Does ...
Roland Xi's user avatar
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How to query data values align by device with certain number of equipment result be removed using Apache IoTDB?

According to the query result align by device, can the query results of some devices be removed according to certain condition in Apache IoTDB? For example, I only want to query the data of fans 1-20 ...
Haolong Mu's user avatar
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How can I manually merge out-of-order data into a sequential format in Apache IoTDB?

Are there any way to trigger the merging of out-of-order data into sequential data besides restarting Apache IoTDB? I think flush can only flush data and write it to disk, but it cannot let out-of-...
Hao Yue's user avatar
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How to select time field when querying in Apache IoTDB?

Does anyone know how to use query statement to return time field in Apache IoTDB(Internet of Things Database)? I tried select s_1,time from root.ln.** limit 5 command in IoTDB, & the message ...
tianyi zhang's user avatar
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How can I successfully connect to an Apache IoTDB cluster version using code commands?

After I installed the cluster version (1C1D) of Apache IoTDB, I can't connect through coding in the server. I have checked the port and the parameter settings and they all seem to be normal. However, ...
yana shen's user avatar
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How to avoid the Runtime Exception error when multiple device ids are inserted at the same time in Apache IoTDB?

During the process of batch storage into Apache IoTDB, the following error is occasionally reported, and there is no abnormality in the data inserted. I have verified the data, and found that if two ...
Cecilia Wong's user avatar
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How to set the query timeout period of Apache IoTDB?

I seems to encounter query timeout problem when this error appears in Apache IoTDB Version 0.13.0: org.apache.iotdb.db.exception.query.QueryTimeoutRuntimeException: Current query is time out, please ...
Hsin-Yuan Huang's user avatar
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How to synchronize the data received from Apache IoTDB to be real-time when using pipe in Apache IoTDB?

I am now using version 1.2.2 of Apache IoTDB. After setting data server A being synchronized to server B, server B's data can be successfully written when using start pipe, but there will be no change ...
Thoreau I's user avatar
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What's the underlying storage engine in Apache IoTDB? [closed]

Does the underlying storage engine in Apache IoTDB use other mature storage engine, like RocksDB, LevelDB or Cassandra? Or it implements its own storage engine from sratch?
Yuan Tian's user avatar
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When storing in double datatype in Apache IoTDB, how to change the scientific notation displayed data to normal display?

I have a signal value of 493874060154044416 stored in Apache IoTDB. When storing in float type data, there's no error reported and the display of value is normal. However, when storing in double type, ...
Hester Tso's user avatar
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How to change the field of time-series to `double` data type when inserting `null` value failed in Apache IoTDB?

I have a question about inserting data into Apache IoTDB. When I try to insert null value into a field of time series, an error message prompted that Msg: 507: Fail to insert measurements [ds] caused ...
Xavier Z.'s user avatar
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Why did detected pause in JVM or host machine warning reported frequently in Apache IoTDB while the system is still running?

Have anyone ever encountered situation which lots of warning message in Apache IoTDB monitor was reported, stating that IoTDB to pause? I currently use Version 1.1.0, and there's frequent message like ...
Monster Zhang's user avatar
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Why did the data stored in Apache IoTDB cannot be recognized with the library still presented in the same machine?

Having the same Apache IoTDB directory and the same machine, I copied the entire IoTDB installation directory to another directory using cp, and the data in it cannot be recognized. The IoTDB library, ...
BeHappy's user avatar
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How to store the physical quanties in udf to trigger the function when one field has value and multiple fields has no value in Apache IoTDB?

If I have a device that has 100 physical quantities, and I want the data to be stored in Apache IoTDB only when it changes. From the physical quantities, only 5 of them may change frequently, and the ...
Sihan Liu's user avatar
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How to deal with the status of the third confignode in Apache IoTDB cluster to running?

I am now using version 1.3.0 of Apache IoTDB and already build up cluster using IoTDB. Why does the third ConfigNode in my cluster need a while of time to change from unknown status to running status? ...
Monster Zhang's user avatar
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When deployed ip information in Apache IoTDB, why did the connection still failed in intranet environment?

In the intranet environment, server A and server B of Apache IoTDB can set up ping successfully. I deployed springboot on IoTDB server A, and deployed ip information as (stated on ...
ElvisHTong's user avatar
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How to query the time duration of the same value within a given time range in Apache IoTDB?

Is there any function in Apache IoTDB to query the duration when the status is a certain value within a given time range? For example, there are four kinds of different value in time series (like 1,2,...
tianyi zhang's user avatar
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How to rearrange the out-of-order data to sequential data in Apache IoTDB?

I know that Apache IoTDB can efficiently handle out-of-order data by rearranging them to sequential data. I wonder what is the command for reordering these out-of-order data in Apache IoTDB, so I can ...
Li Yu Heng's user avatar
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Why did Apache IoTDB report 301 type error when exporting tsfile?

When I use "" in Apache IoTDB, an error popped out when exporting tsfile. I tried to execute 230 SQL statements in total. When executing the second line, the error reported: &...
NKZ's user avatar
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How to switch an unempty time series data type from FLOAT to DOUBLE in Apache IoTDB?

If a time series was created before in Apache IoTDB, and the data type was FLOAT. Also, part of the data has already been inserted in the time series. Now I want to change the data type of time series ...
guhdgrtyh's user avatar
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How do I calculate the mean value of time series data for two measuring points in Apache IoTDB Version 0.12?

I currently use Apache IoTDB Version 0.12 and I have a question that needs advice. How to find the mean data value of two measuring points according to certain time series? I checked the official user ...
Ian Wen's user avatar
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Why did the latest data value result returned from "order by time desc", "limit 10", "limit 100" are different in Apache IoTDB?

I am now using version 1.1.0 of Apache IoTDB, and when I am executing order by time desc, order by time desc limit 10, and order by time desc limit 100, the latest query results of the time series ...
Sihan Liu's user avatar
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How to change the unit of timestamp from milliseconds to microseconds in Apache IoTDB?

I am new to Apache IoTDB, noticing that default unit of time series timestamps time are in milliseconds. I wonder if it can be changed to nano-second or etc... how can I achieve this? Document should ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How should I create the time series when the path settings is dynamically spliced in Apache IoTDB?

Do I need to create an empty time series first before writing data into Apache IoTDB? Since the path of time series is dynamically spliced, is there any good method for me to create time series? Also, ...
zlyf's user avatar
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3 answers

How to check the statistic consistency of metadata in Apache IoTDB?

I am now setting the metadata and tsfile storage in Apache IoTDB. I wonder if there are any function or syntax in Apache IoTDB that can check whether the metadata of time series is correct and ...
Li Yu Heng's user avatar
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How does apache IOTDB query the time of the last change of data?

In IoTDB, there are time series under root.device_id, where xxxx represents multiple series. I would like to query for the last changed value and the time of change under root.device_id. How should I ...
tvon's user avatar
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How to be able to use in Apache IoTDB Version 1.0.0?

When I tried to use API in Apache IoTDB, it can be used in Version 0.13, but cannot be used in Version 1.0.0. I wonder why this happen? And if I already updated my server to ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to create tags when creating time series in Apache IoTDB inegrating with c#?

I did not see any tags when integrating Apache IoTDB in c# API to create a time series. If I need to use this tag function, how can I get access to it? Can it only be created through SQL statements? ...
zlyf's user avatar
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Why not using a HashMap to get the exact enum instead of compare it one by one?

When I was reading the source code of IoTDB, I found that maybe we can add a HashMap in lots of enum class like TSEncoding to imrpove the time complexity of looking up from O(n) to O(1), like: private ...
Yuan Tian's user avatar
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How to set the different ttl for different batches of time series data inserted into Apache IoTDB?

When inserting data into Apache IoTDB, can I set a personalized TTL for different time series data? For example, I have two batches of data entered into the same database set in IoTDB. I need the ...
shuww's user avatar
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When querying in Apache IoTDB Version 0.13.3, why results are duplicated for crertain timestamp ranges?

My Apache IoTDB version is 0.13.3. Why are there duplicate data timestamps and values when querying data? The query statement I used is select X1 from root.ops.K01 order by time desc. The result of X1 ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to fix the gap between logs when restarting ConfigNode in Apache IoTDB?

Why did Apache IoTDB report IllegalStateException error when restarting ConfigNode? The error message is stated Found a gap between logs: the last log segment log-79627_94959 ended at 94959 but the ...
shuww's user avatar
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For Apache IoTDB service deployed by docker, how to modify to only print specific type of log information?

For the cluster version of Apache IoTDB deployed by docker, I want to know which configuration parameter I can modify to change the level of log records, to make it only print exceptions and warnings. ...
zlyf's user avatar
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How to set the display format of timestamp in Apache IoTDB to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ?

I know that Apache IoTDB can support LONG type and DATETIME-DISPLAY type when displaying timestamps. Also, the DATETIME-DISPLAY type can support user-defined time format. May I ask where to set the ...
leonbear's user avatar
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When reported current confignode is not ready and all query progress got timeout, what configuration should be checked in Apache IoTDB?

From yesterday’s afternoon, my query progress in Apache IoTDB suddenly all get timeout. Error information is like DriverTask 20240226_053350_08273_3.2.0.0 is aborted by timeout. Since I use the ...
zlyf's user avatar
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After stopping service of certain DataNode, how to remove the service of this DataNode from cluster of Apache IoTDB?

I now want to stop DataNode service and remove it from the current Apache IoTDB cluster. I want to know if I already stopped DataNode, do I still need to execute the remove command (sbin/remove-...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to group the time (treat as normal columns), add device filtering condtions, and sum the data field value results in Apache IoTDB?

Anyone know how to design the path of the time series and how to write this kind of query SQL in Apache IoTDB? I want to group the time column according to specific time value ranges, and add some ...
shuww's user avatar
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For a two-stage cluster deployed in Apache IoTDB, why the confignode of the second server cannot be started and added to the seed confignode?

I have a two-stage cluster deployed using Apache IoTDB. The first server has been started successfully, but the second server cannot be started successfully. The confignode of the first server has ...
leonbear's user avatar
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What should the timestamp be identified before setting timezones in Apache IoTDB?

I know Apache IoTDB can setup different timezones of time series data. Can I understand that when deploying Apache IoTDB in different timezones, all the different timezones can use the default ...
shuww's user avatar
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How to judge the limit number of query tasks mentioned in the system message of Apache IoTDB?

Apache IoTDB system reported "the system can't allow more query tasks". I understand that this means the query amount is too much to execute, but I want to ask how this query task limit is ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to conveniently calculate the average value of all devices of a certain kind every certain minute in Apache IoTDB?

If there is a need to calculate the average temperature of all devices every 5 minutes, how to implement this query statement in Apache IoTDB? Our devices are divided into different kinds, and our ...
Thoreau I's user avatar
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How to check the number of time series in Apache IoTDB that has data stored from a certain period?

My time series in Apache IoTDB may not have data inserted, and I want to know the number of time series data that has data coming in from a certain period. Anyone know what query statement can I write ...
Thoreau I's user avatar
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How to successfully generate thrift processing of datanode in Apache IoTDB?

I deployed Apache IoTDB standalone v1.3.0 instances on two ubuntu20 systems. One of them can be executed normally, and the other one also can connect normally after the deployment is completed, but ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to change the duplicated primary key to successfully insert data into Apache IoTDB?

After I tried to insert data into Apache IoTDB, the data cannot be inserted into the time series and error 1062 is reported: Duplicate entry 'B0001' for key 'bank.PRIMARY'. I understand that the ...
shuww's user avatar
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Why did `show cluster details` returned `INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(305)` error when upgrading Apache IoTDB Version from 1.0.1 to 1.2?

I want to upgrade Apache IoTDB Version 1.0.1 to Version 1.2. After replacing the lib files, I can successfully startup IoTDB, but when executing show cluster details command, an error is reported: ...
Thoreau I's user avatar
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How to deal with the `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` error when calling `insert_aligned_tablets` in Apache IoTDB?

I installed Apache IoTDB Version 1.1.2, and my data is encapsulated by NumpyTablet. I used python API to call the insert_aligned_tablets function, and an error is reported: Caused by: org.apache.iotdb....
shuww's user avatar
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What configuration settings that need to be changed when I switch from stand-alone version to multi-node version in Apache IoTDB 1.2.2 version?

I am currently using the stand-alone version of Version 1.2.2 of Apache IoTDB installed by docker. My data has already been mounted, if I want to upgrade to distributed multi-node later, can I ...
leonbear's user avatar
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How to correct the `ErrorHandlingUtils:155, repeated measurement` warning for the writing process in Apache IoTDB?

When I am running the writing data process in Apache IoTDB, a warning mentioned: WARN o.a.i.d.u.ErrorHandlingUtils:155 - Exception occurred while processing non-query.rg.apache.iotdb.db.exception....
shuww's user avatar
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How to only query the results of `time` parameter (without other data values) in Apache IoTDB?

If I only want to query time in a time series without querying other parameters in Apache IoTDB, are there any query method that can directly return these results? The reason why I want to ask about ...
zlyf's user avatar
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